Alumina-Silica Type RNKO-HD

Alumina-Silica Type RNKO-HD

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ RNKO-HD Alumina-Silica board is a very strong, low-density combination of 1260°C rated Al2O3-SiO2 (RCF) fibers and a stabilized inorganic amorphous SiO2 binder.

Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet


ZIRCAR Ceramics’ RNKO-HD Alumina-Silica board is a very strong, low-density combination of 1260°C rated Al2O3-SiO2 (RCF) fibers and a stabilized inorganic amorphous SiO2 binder.

RNKO-HD is 100% organic free. At 0.85 g/cc (53 pcf) density, RNKO-HD has been developed for applications where a combination of low thermal conductivity and the ability to withstand high compressive loads at high temperatures are required.

RNKO-HD exhibits excellent resistance to chemical attack and is not affected by oil or water. It is, however, affected by hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid and strong alkalis.

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