Fiber-Insulated Heater Type FIH

Fiber-Insulated Heater Type FIH

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Fiber-Insulated Heaters, Type FIH, are rigid combinations of high quality resistance wire and vacuum formed ceramic fiber thermal insulation. Fiber-Insulated Heater Type FIH deliver fast, efficient and reliable uniform heat to temperatures of 1100°C (2012°F) with power densities up to 1500 watts/ft².

Technical Data Sheet

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ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Fiber-Insulated Heaters Type FIH are combinations of high quality FeCrAl resistance wire and high purity ceramic fiber thermal insulation. Fiber-Insulated Heater Type FIH deliver fast, efficient and reliable uniform heat to temperatures of 1100°C (2012°F) with power densities up to 1500 watts/ft². ZIRCAR Ceramics specializes in the design and manufacture of custom heaters for OEM furnace and thermal process equipment manufacturers as well as for end users with unique and demanding radiant heater requirements.
The lightweight ceramic fiber insulation built into FIH heaters is ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Type AXL which exhibits very low thermal mass, low thermal conductivity and thus can handle extremely rapid cycling. FIH’s coiled elements are typically locked into the insulation flush with the heated surface. This provides good support for the element and ensures long heater life.
All ZIRCAR Ceramics’ Fiber-Insulated Heaters are 100% organic free and will not smoke or outgas when heated.

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